Results for 'Jean Baptiste Zeke'

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  1.  17
    Loi naturelle et post-humanisme.Jean Baptiste Zeke - 2019 - [Toulouse]: Domuni-Press.
    En dépit de leurs différences biophysiologiques, les hommes disposent tous d'une intuition du bien : bien en direction duquel l'humanité est appelée à travailler parle biais de l'intelligence et de la raison. Cette "loi naturelle", pensée depuis des siècles, a été analysée avec vigueur depuis quatre décennies. La loi naturelle est-elle une éthique universelle? La tradition chrétienne tente d'y répondre. A l'heure d'une société globalisée, où le caractère subversif des ambitions post-humanistes s'affirme, la loi naturelle suffit-elle à répondre aux enjeux (...)
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    Unpacking Variation in Hybrid Organizational Forms: Changing Models of Social Enterprise Among Nonprofits, 2000–2013.Jean-Baptiste Litrico & Marya L. Besharov - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):343-360.
    To remain financially viable and continue to accomplish their social missions, nonprofits are increasingly adopting a hybrid organizational form that combines commercial and social welfare logics. While studies recognize that individual organizations vary in how they incorporate and manage hybridity, variation at the level of the organizational form remains poorly understood. Existing studies tend to treat forms as either hybrid or not, limiting our understanding of the different ways a hybrid form may combine multiple logics and how such combinations evolve (...)
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    Métaphysique et politique « en intention seconde ». Jean de Jandun héritier d’Averroès et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise.Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 85 (1):109-127.
    Le but de l’article est double. Il s’agit d’abord de présenter la position du maître ès arts Jean de Jandun (m. 1328) concernant les rapports entre métaphysique et politique, puis d’indiquer comment sa solution, fondée sur l’idée d’un agir « en intention seconde », en fait l’héritier d’Averroès et, plus lointainement, de la doctrine de la providence d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise. Si le philosophe doit occuper un rang fondamental dans la cité en tant qu’il enseigne au prince ce qu’il faut savoir (...)
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    La doctrine leibnizienne de la vérité: aspects logiques et ontologiques.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy (ed.) - 2001 - Paris: Vrin.
    Toujours, dans toute proposition affirmative veritable, necessaire ou contingente, universelle ou singuliere, la notion du predicat est comprise en quelque facon dans celle du sujet, praedicatum inest subjecto, ou bien je ne sais ce que c'est que la vetite. Parce qu'elles mettaient principalement l'accent sur les liaisons conceptuelles, les precisions de ce genre ont ete interpretees comme autant d'indices permettant de reconstituer le contenu du predicat de verite a partir de presupposes coherentistes. Dans le concensus qui s'est etabli sur ce (...)
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  5.  20
    The end of the Anthropocene?Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - 2024 - Metascience 33 (2):243-244.
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    Transferts du sujet: la noétique d'Averroès selon Jean de Jandun.Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Jean de Jandun (ca. 1285/1328), maître es arts à l'Université de Paris durant la première moitié du quatorzième siècle, est considéré par l'historiographie contemporaine comme le principal tenant de l'"averroi͏̈sme latin", c'est-à-dire comme le défenseur majeur d'une psychologie extrême dans laquelle l'intellect est unique, éternel, et séparé par essence des hommes. Sa noétique procède en réalité d'une réarticulation ou d'une reprise active du corpus latin d'Averroès et l'on étudie sur trois plans (le rapport au corps, l'intervention de l'image, la (...)
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    Andrew Michael Smith II, Roman Palmyra. Identity, Community, and State Formation.Jean-Baptiste Yon - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):837-840.
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    Le désir de Dieu pour l’homme. Une réponse au problème de l’indifférence.Jean-Baptiste Lecuit - 2017 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    Si l’on peut parler d’un désir de Dieu inscrit dans le coeur de l’homme, qu’en est-il du côté de Dieu ? Dieu désire-t-il entrer en communion avec chacun de nous ? Y aurait-il du désir dans la Trinité sainte ? Après avoir élaboré une nouvelle conception du désir, Jean-Baptiste Lecuit s’interroge sur le désir de l’homme pour Dieu : en quoi consiste-t-il ? Quel exaucement lui est-il offert ? Par quelles voies ? Est-il naturel à tout être humain (...)
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    The Ontology and Syntax of Stoic Causes and Effects.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (1):87-108.
    The ontology of Stoic causes and effects was clearly anti-platonic, since the Stoics did not want to admit that any incorporeal entity could have an effect. However, by asserting that any cause was the cause of an incorporeal effect, they returned to Plato’s syntax of causes in the Sophist, whose doctrine of the asymmetry of nouns and verbs identified names with the agents and verbs with the actions. The ontological asymmetry of causes and effects blocked the multiplication of causes by (...)
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  10.  47
    Strategies in sentential reasoning.JeanBaptiste Henst, Yingrui Yang & P. N. Johnson‐Laird - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that have no deterministic account. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagrams corresponding to mental models, (...)
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  11.  18
    La production historique des normes dans la philosophie de Hegel.Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (3):459-478.
    This article aims to interpret Hegel'sPhilosophy of Historyin order to understand how Hegel can propose a historical comprehension of normativity. Shedding light on the notion of the problem (Aufgabe) in Hegel's philosophy, I maintain that people invent and transform their norms throughout history when they encounter problematic situations. This perspective makes it possible to read the Hegelian philosophy of history in line with current anti-metaphysical interpretations of Hegel.
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    Don du sang, transfusion et anonymat.Jean-Baptiste Thibert, Sylvie Gross & Bruno Danic - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (160):16-20.
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    When is a conclusion worth deriving? A relevance-based analysis of indeterminate relational problems.Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst, Dan Sperber & Guy Politzer - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (1):1-20.
    When is a conclusion worth deriving? We claim that a conclusion is worth deriving to the extent that it is relevant in the sense of relevance theory (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). To support this hypothesis, we experiment with ''indeterminate relational problems'' where we ask participants what, if anything, follows from premises such as A is taller than B, A is taller than C . With such problems, the indeterminate response that nothing follows is common, and we explain why. We distinguish (...)
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  14.  80
    A Common Sense Defence of Ostrich Nominalism.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):71-93.
    When the meta-philosophies of Nominalism and Realism are compared, it is often said that Nominalism is motivated by a methodology of ontological economy, while Realism would be motivated by an appeal to Common Sense. In this paper, I argue that this association is misguided. After briefly comparing the meta-philosophy of Common Sense and the meta-philosophy of economy, I show that the core motivation in favour of Realism relies in fact in a principle of economy which violates the methodology of Common (...)
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  15.  36
    Animal Behavior, Population Biology and the Modern Synthesis.Jean-Baptiste Grodwohl - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):597-633.
    This paper examines the history of animal behavior studies after the synthesis period. Three episodes are considered: the adoption of the theory of natural selection, the mathematization of ideas, and the spread of molecular methods in behavior studies. In these three episodes, students of behavior adopted practices and standards developed in population ecology and population genetics. While they borrowed tools and methods from these fields, they made distinct uses that set them relatively apart and led them to contribute, in their (...)
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    Beyond Paternalism: Cross-cultural Perspectives on the Functioning of a Mexican Production Plant.Jean-Baptiste Litrico - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (1):53-63.
    Expatriate managers of international businesses in emerging countries often struggle to mobilize their workforces. They sometimes perceive profound cultural differences as a barrier to the progress of their organizations. Some international businesses may adopt a paternalistic attitude toward their employees; but this questionable strategy brings mixed results. Are there ways out of paternalism for international businesses in emerging areas? This paper examines the diverging views held by foreign managers and local personnel of a foreign-owned production plant in Mexico, which managed (...)
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  17.  39
    Divine Providence: Fine-Grained, Coarse-Grained, or Something in Between?Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):71-109.
    Dariusz Łukasiewicz has investigated in depth the “Argument from Chance” which argues that the data revealing chance in the world are incompatible with Divine Providence. Łukasiewicz agrees that these data undermine the traditional model of Providence—a fine-grained model in which every single detail is controlled by God—but maintains that they are not incompatible with a coarse-grained model—in which God leaves to chance many aspects of history (including some horrendous evils). Furthermore, Łukasiewicz provides independent reasons to prefer this coarse-grained model. Even (...)
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  18.  42
    Epistemic reflexivity and a robust defence of common sense. Thoughts on Pascal Engel’s epistemology.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:5-37.
    Dans cet article, je discute l’épistémologie de Pascal Engel, en particulier sa stratégie de réponse aux arguments sceptiques dans Va Savoir!. Après avoir présenté de manière synthétique les grands axes de cette stratégie, je reviens avec plus d’attention sur deux éléments de cette stratégie avec lesquels je suis en désaccord : le rejet par Engel de tout principe de réflexivité épistémique, et le rejet par Engel d’une défense « forte » du sens commun. Je défends qu’un certain principe de réflexivité (...)
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  19.  19
    Note de lecture.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2021 - Philosophie 149 (2):93-95.
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    Le discours intérieur de l’'me dans la philosophie stoicienne.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2013 - Chôra 11:11-22.
    Plusieurs auteurs anciens attribuent aux stoïciens une distinction entre le logos endiathetos et le logos proféré, qui est souvent assimilée à l’opposition entre le langage proféré et la raison intérieure, et tend à confondre la position stoïcienne avec l’identification platonicienne de la pensée à un dialogue intérieur. Mais, tandis que le logos endiathetos est clairement identifié à la capacité humaine de raisonner, il n’est pas présenté comme un dialogue intérieur. Il réside d’abord dans une certaine disposition de l’homme à enchaîner (...)
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  21.  32
    A minha ideia: aquisição e atribuição no Pensamento de Averróis.Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2010 - Discurso 40 (40):329-350.
    A minha ideia: aquisição e atribuição no Pensamento de Averróis.
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    Une chair cinématographique?Jean-Baptiste Chantoiseau - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 10 (2):51-58.
    Résumé Tout semble exclure le « corps amoureux » de l’univers froid et désincarné du cinéaste Robert Bresson (1901-1999). Une analyse attentive révèle toutefois la présence dans son œuvre d’une érotique singulière. Grâce au contrôle absolu de ses acteurs, qu’il appelle ses « modèles », le réalisateur invente un corps amoureux « cinématographiquement parlant ». Ses personnages, avec leur phrasé neutre et automatique, nouent en effet une relation fusionnelle avec la caméra : se donnerait ainsi à entendre, grâce à une (...)
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  23.  17
    La dialectique des stoïciens.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2000 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Pendant cinq siecles, de 300 av. J.C. jusqu'au crepuscule de Marc Aurele, la philosophie stoicienne domina la culture antique. Encore aujourd'hui, notre grammaire, notre logique et notre linguistique sont les heritieres plus ou moins conscientes de l'une des trois parties de cette philosophie, la dialectique, qui fut, dans sa forme classique, l'oeuvre de Chrysippe (280-204 av. J.C.). Ce livre est la premiere reconstruction synthetique de la dialectique stoicienne dans son ensemble. Son point de vue est en outre entierement nouveau. En (...)
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  24.  53
    Quid sit natura prius? La conception leibnizienne de l'ordre.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - 1995 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (1):31 - 48.
    Leibniz a tenté de donner une formulation logique de l'ordre, en cherchant à spécifier de la manière la plus générale possible, le sens des termes « antérieur » , « postérieur » et « conjoint ». L'analyse de ces termes tient en trois points. 1) Deux êtres étant donnés, est antérieur par nature (natura prius) celui qui est plus simple, c'est-à-dire celui dont l'analyse requiert un plus petit nombre d'opérations de l'esprit. Par suite, les êtres qui sont conjoints (simul) doivent (...)
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    Reply to Massimo Mugnai’s Review of La doctrine Leibnizienne de la vérité.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - 2002 - The Leibniz Review 12:65-70.
    I would like warmly to thank Massimo Mugnai. The care that he put into read ing my book, his suggestions, his clarifications, and even his criticisms are a great encouragement to me.
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  26. Chemin faisant : Heidegger et Char.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2010 - In David Espinet (ed.), Schreiben, Dichten, Denken: Zu Heideggers Sprachbegriff. Verlag Vittorio Klostermann. pp. 197-209.
  27. Martin Heidegger en ses poèmes.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2011 - In Sebastian Hüsch (ed.), Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics. Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 115-123.
  28.  16
    Y a-t-il des objets plus communicationnels que d'autres?Jean-Baptiste Perret - 2004 - Hermes 38:121.
    Les Sic se sont fondées sur l'analyse des activités concrètes de communication et une attitude d'interdisciplinarité, plus que par une interrogation spécifiquement communicationnelle. Mais cela a permis des constructions spécifiques dans la mesure où les Sic accordent une grande importance à l'articulation entre objets techniques, systèmes d'actions et circulation du sensThe Information and Communication Sciences have been defined as an interdisciplinary field, and tend to bring together heterogeneous paradigms. Their main characteristic is less "communicational way" of building scientific objects than (...)
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  29.  19
    The Colonial Question before Colonization: Philosophical and Economic Reflections on the July Monarchy.Jean-Baptiste Noé - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (9):53-69.
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    Maintaining “Good” Care: An Articulation Work Perspective on Organizational Ethics in the Healthcare Sector.Jean-Baptiste Suquet & Damien Collard - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (3):545-560.
    The literature on organizational ethics has paved the way for a situated and intersubjective understanding of ethics through caring practices. In this article, we try to extend this perspective by looking beyond the interactions of caregivers among themselves or with care seekers to reveal ethics as the ongoing collective accomplishment of a variety of actors. We do so by mobilizing Strauss’s theoretical perspective of articulation work in the context of healthcare. Based on an ethnography, we show how actors of care (...)
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    La Philosophie du bon-sens.Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Argens - 1972 - Farnborough: Gregg.
    La compréhension du siècle des Lumières passe par la lecture de cette oeuvre, qui jette dès 1737 le discrédit sur la bonne nature de la raison. On y lit le désaveu des Lumières par elles-mêmes, désaveu qui signe peut-être leur véritable et paradoxal triomphe.
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  32. (1 other version)Ame intellective, âme cogitative: Jean de jandun et la duplex forma propria de l'homme.Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (3):318-341.
    The article analyses the idea that according to the averroist Jean de Jandun, Master of Arts in Paris at the beginning of the 14th century, human beings are composed of a «double form» the separated intellect on the one hand, the cogitative soul on the other hand. After recalling several major accounts of the time, we explore Jean's reading of Averroes' major conceptions concerning the problem. Finally, we challenge the idea according to which we observe in his writings (...)
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    Le genre des Belles-mères et l’'ge des Anciens.Jean-Baptiste Eczet - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):141-159.
    Classical anthropology in East Africa has tended to associate pastoralism with a masculine ideology. Among the Mursi people however, women are clearly associated with success in the pastoral economy, if one considers the different ages in the life cycle. The social position of the Mother-in-law and the Elder, the culmination of a process of maturing which stresses social organization by age-set, suggests that gender relations may be a fruitful subject of inquiry. These personae allow us to understand why certain older (...)
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    The Stoics on the Mental Mechanism of Emotions: Is There a “Pathetic Syllogism”?Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):349-375.
    The mechanism of emotions in Stoicism has been presented by Graver a decade ago as relying on a “pathetic syllogism” having as its premises a judgment about the goodness of a certain type of object and a judgment that it is proper to have a certain emotional response to that object. It is true that each emotion is an irrational impulse resulting not only from the opinion that something is good but also from the opinion that it is appropriate to (...)
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    Désacralisation et « tournant théologique » : résurgence du sacré entre XIXe et XXe siècles.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2020 - In Guerric Meylan (ed.), Sacré – Responsabilité, actes du colloque des 21 et 22 novembre 2014. Mare & Martin. pp. 157-165.
  36. From Gothicism to Transcendentalism: The Birth of a Nation's Culture.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2010 - In Eoghain Hamilton (ed.), The Gothic – Probing the Boundaries. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  37. Quand la catastrophe suit son cours.Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - 2018 - In Jean Birnbaum (ed.), De quoi avons-nous peur? [Paris]: Gallimard.
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  38. The Metaphor of the Horizon.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2009 - Proyecto Hermenéutica.
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    Les concepts de la constitution : authenticité et traçabilité.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2019 - Philosophie 4:3.
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    From Kearton to Attenborough: Fashioning the Telenaturalist's Identity.Jean-Baptiste Gouyon - 2011 - History of Science 49 (1):25-60.
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  41. How to evaluate Leibniz's Nominalism.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - 2004 - Metaphysica 5 (1).
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    Modernity's Frail Climate: A Climate History of Environmental Reflexivity.Jean-Baptiste Fressoz & Fabien Locher - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):579-598.
    Last paragraphe: Finally, we need to take on board the strange and disturbing fact that the modern destruction of environments has occurred not as if nature counted for nothing but, on the contrary, has occurred in a world of longstanding climatic theories that have earmarked environmental objects as the very things that produce humankind. Modern man, oblivious of the impact of his actions and blinded by his faith in progress and polarized vision of the world? Our postmodernity also has its (...)
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    An attempt to evaluate leibniz'nominalism1.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - forthcoming - Metaphysica.
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  44. L'inhérence conceptuelle, la raison suffisante et David Wiggings.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - 2005 - In D. Berlioz F. Nef (ed.), Leibniz et les puissances du langage. Vrin.
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    Van Inwagen on introspected freedom.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (3):645-663.
    Any philosopher who defends Free Will should have an answer to the epistemological question: “how do we know that we have such a capacity?” A traditional answer to this question is that we have some form of introspective access to our own Free Will. In recent times though, many philosophers have considered any such introspectionist theory as so obviously wrong that it hardly needs discussion, especially when Free Will is understood in libertarian terms. One of the rare objections to appear (...)
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    From abstraction and indiscernibility to classification and types.Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Thomas Seiller - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):65-93.
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  47. France and the American drone precedent : a consequentialist response to a polemical critique.Jean-Baptiste Jeangene Vilmer - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    SN and CR for free-style LKtq: linear decorations and simulation of normalization.Jean-Baptiste Joinet, Harold Schellinx & Lorenzo Tortora De Falco - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):162-196.
    The present report is a, somewhat lengthy, addendum to [4], where the elimination of cuts from derivations in sequent calculus for classical logic was studied 'from the point of view of linear logic'. To that purpose a formulation of classical logic was used, that - as in linear logic - distinguishes between multiplicative and additive versions of the binary connectives. The main novelty here is the observation that this type-distinction is not essential: we can allow classical sequent derivations to use (...)
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  49. The stoics on matter and prime matter : Corporealism and theimprint of Plato's timaeus.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 46--70.
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    Natural Selection, Adaptive Topographies and the Problem of Statistical Inference: The Moraba scurra Controversy Under the Microscope.Jean-Baptiste Grodwohl - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (4):753-796.
    This paper gives a detailed narrative of a controversial empirical research in postwar population genetics, the analysis of the cytological polymorphisms of an Australian grasshopper, Moraba scurra. This research intertwined key technical developments in three research areas during the 1950s and 1960s: it involved Dobzhansky’s empirical research program on cytological polymorphisms, the mathematical theory of natural selection in two-locus systems, and the building of reliable estimates of natural selection in the wild. In the mid-1950s the cytologist Michael White discovered an (...)
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